Do you have trouble getting to sleep? Do you feel irritable or just generally out of sorts without knowing why? Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, or a fear of vomiting in public?
If so, we have a solution for you.
The answer is simple: Meditation.
In general, the main benefits of 30 minutes of daily meditation include:
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Increased attention and focus
- Improved memory and recall
- Improved concentration
- Improved decision making
Meditation could also help us practice the Law of Attraction and overcome all the daily obstacles we face on our path. But there’s much more.
Let’s deepen the topic!
The true meaning of meditation
What do you think of when you hear the word “meditation”? Maybe you see an upper-middle-class woman holding a green smoothie while talking to her friend in yoga clothes? Or a bunch of New Agers gathered for a crystal healing session?
To benefit from meditation, you don’t have to be into detox cleanses or holistic healing, and it is a free practice that welcomes everyone curious enough to inquire.
It’s a simple practice that doesn’t occupy space or require a starting budget.
You just need to develop two innate qualities: stillness and focus.
Don’t be worried you might be seen as an airheaded spiritualist – meditation is a practical way of improving the working of your mind.
Even those who dismiss meditation will admit that a more orderly thought process and a better ability to relax are beneficial.
FURTHER READING – How To Do Law Of Attraction Meditation

30 minutes meditation
You don’t have to invest large amounts of time in enjoying the upsides of meditation.
Spend half an hour each day practicing for the next two months, and you will see your mind change. If that feels like too long, then start with ten minutes. Even such shorter meditations will make you more focused over time.
Ok, so we’ve agreed on that. Even the busiest amongst us can spare ten minutes to try meditating.
But where should we do it?
The good news is that almost any environment is conducive to meditation.
Infographic about 30 Minutes Meditation Benefits

Brain’s neuroplasticity (new research)
One of the fundamental properties of the brain is its neuroplasticity – the ability to grow and change neural circuits to best process the types of activities the person is engaged in.
Meditation triggers the mechanisms of neuroplasticity and allows the brain to reconfigure itself.
Harvard neurologist Sara Lazar has been conducting studies with meditators to track the brain changes which occur through the practice.
In one piece of research, she found out that the loss of grey matter in the frontal cortex, which usually happens with age, is significantly retarded by meditation.
The frontal cortex is the segment of the brain responsible for making decisions and keeping track of memories.
Perhaps meditation holds some of the answers to coping with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
Is it the right time to start meditation?
It’s never too early or too late to take up meditation!
To prove this, neurologist Sara Lazar rounded up a group of volunteers who had no previous experience meditating and guided them into the practice for half an hour for two months.
By the end of the trial period, all of their brains had experienced positive changes regarding functions related to focus, information acquisition and recall, and emotional processing.
The experiment subjects also reported an increase in subjective feelings of happiness.
Another study conducted at the University of California proved that meditators had reduced blood levels of the stress hormone cortisol compared to the average person.
With so many scientifically-proven benefits of meditation, why don’t you give it a chance?
Suggested reading about the topic
BOOK ➜ Unplug, by Suze Yalof Schwartz
TOOL (for summaries) ➜ Blinkist
Learn and grow every day with the key ideas from top nonfiction and podcasts in 15 minutes.
Focus and Actionable Tips from the book Unplug by Suze Yalof Schwartz :
- Meditation fits any lifestyle, and a mere ten minutes per day is already beneficial.
- Meditation alters the brain, reducing the levels of stress and increasing happiness.
- There are benefits to meditating first thing in the morning, but comfort is the most crucial consideration.
- Make it easier to keep up your practice by ritualizing your sessions and clearing your mind beforehand.
- Meditation can be broken down into a few simple steps, and mantras can be a helpful focus point.
- Meditation can help you let go of negative thoughts, and visualization may aid you in doing this.
- There are other ways to meditate, such as guided awareness meditation and sound meditation.
- Aromatherapy and crystals can add new levels of relaxation and healing to your meditation.
Meditation can help you reduce stress, increase focus, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being. In as little as 30 minutes per day, you can learn how to meditate and reap the benefits for your whole life.
Give it a try, starting from today!