Energy Vibration and the Law of Attraction

In this article, we’ll be talking about energy vibrations and the law of attraction. What does that mean?

It’s simple: the way you feel about things determines whether or not you attract them into your life.

If you feel good about something, it will come to you. It won’t come to you if you don’t feel good about something, even if it’s right in front of your face! The universe has no reason to give us what we don’t want.

So how do we learn to feel good all the time? 

By understanding how energy vibration and the Law of Attraction work.

How does energy vibration work?

As humans, our bodies are made up of atoms that vibrate at different frequencies (yes, even YOU).

When those atoms vibrate at a high enough frequency, they can pass through solid objects and travel great distances without getting tired or losing momentum.

This is how electromagnetic waves work: they’re high-frequency vibrations that travel through space at the speed of light until they encounter something like themselves that can absorb or reflect them again.

The same applies to emotions: if someone feels sad or angry or depressed or scared, those emotions will emit a very low vibration.

Different frequencies

You might be surprised that our bodies are made up of atoms, which vibrate at different frequencies.

When those atoms vibrate at a high enough frequency, they can pass through solid objects and travel great distances without getting tired or losing momentum.

This is how electromagnetic waves work: they’re high-frequency vibrations that travel through space at the speed of light until they encounter something like themselves that can absorb them or reflect them again (like this shiny spot on my shirt).

High emotional frequencies cause your heart rate to increase, making you feel happier. Low emotional frequencies cause your heart rate to decrease, making you feel sadder. 

A person’s emotional state is directly linked with their body’s frequency because emotions are vibrations that travel through space and time just like radio waves or light.

Everything vibrates

The truth is that everything vibrates—even thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Everything in the universe is made up of energy and vibrates at various frequencies, and your thoughts and feelings produce vibrations as well!

But what if I told you that what we think and feel is just a fraction of our overall energy vibration? What if I told you that there are more factors at play regarding how something shows up in your life?

The good news is that you can learn how to harness these energies so they can help you achieve your goals faster than ever before! If you want more success in life, it’s crucial to get into a good energy state as often as possible!

So how do we get ourselves into a higher vibrational state? 

Well, we can’t change our personality overnight—but we CAN change our energy level by raising our vibration just enough to start attracting things we want instead of things we don’t want!

How the Process works

The law of attraction is a popular idea in the new age community, but it’s also something that people are still trying to figure out.

What is it? How does it work? Is it real?

The short answer is: yes, it’s real! And the longer answer is, well… a little more complicated than that.

Let’s start with what most people think about the law of attraction: if you can visualize what you want and believe that you’ll get it, you will. 

That’s not quite right, though. It’s more like this: if you can visualize what you want and believe it’ll come true, it will probably come true. 

You have to see something in your mind before it can happen in real life—it’s like having an idea for a movie or book before writing the script or penning the pages. 

You have to keep working to make sure that vision comes through before anyone else notices (and maybe even before you realize how much effort goes into making sure your dream becomes a reality).

So what makes this process so hard? Why does one person seem to be able to make their dreams come true while another person struggles endlessly without success?

It’s a matter of vibrations.

Positive attitude vs. Negative attitude

The Law of Attraction has been a popular concept around for thousands of years, and it states that like attracts like.

The idea is that our thoughts and emotions are energy vibrations and attract similar energies to us, like a magnet pulling iron filings.

This means that when you’re feeling down, your thoughts will attract more things to be sad about, and when you’re excited and happy, your thoughts will attract more exciting things to be excited about.

It’s easy to see how this works in practice: Have you ever felt stuck at work and thought about going home early? 

You walk into the office with a smile but get called into an unexpected meeting where your boss tells you he wants you to work late tonight. You start thinking about how tired and fed up you are at work—and then suddenly find yourself in another meeting with HR where they tell you they need documentation from all employees who’ve worked over 40 hours in the past month!

You can see how the process works here:

Your positive attitude attracted positive opportunities in the workplace (the smile!). Still, when it came time for some real work, your negative attitude attracted more negativity (the extra meetings).


You’ve probably heard the expression, “I don’t even know where to begin.” It’s a phrase that means you’re feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or confused and don’t know how to start tackling something.

I have a mantra I often use in my life when things get too complicated for me: simplify. It sounds so simple because it is! Sometimes we need to take a step back from things and look at the bigger picture before taking action.

For doing that, learning how to master vibrations is a crucial step to start from.

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